The portability of a real estate license is just a breakdown of the basic rules that each state has when it comes to agents who don’t have a license there but may have clients who are interested in buying or selling in that state. Keep reading to see the details for your specific state. Some states offer reciprocity, while some do not. This exists in order to facilitate easier licensing – and is essentially a method where states will “vouch” for the legitimately of the education and licensing process of other states. Often, they can skip the pre-licensing courses entirely and go straight to taking the real estate exam. Real estate license reciprocity is an agreement between states that allows the holders of a real estate license in one state to fast-track the process of getting a license in their state. See Reciprocity by State What is Real Estate Reciprocity? This guide will cover the details of real estate license reciprocity and portability between states. Some will let you effectively transfer your license, but some will make you start from scratch (and several states are in between!).

The requirements for transferring a real estate license vary considerably from state to state. However, if you move out of the state you live in, or want to practice in another state, you will need to follow the rules of the new state. One of the great things about being a real estate agent, is that there is a need for agents no matter where you are located.